
Did you know that we have earned several thousands of dollars just by having families participate in eScrip, Box Tops, Office Depot, Target Visa Credit Card, and other school shopping programs?  It’s so easy to join these programs and it doesn’t take much time at all!  The BEST part is that you continue to shop at the same stores or buy the same products, but then earn money for Cumberland.

  • AmazonSmile
    AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support Cumberland Elementary every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion (0.5%) of the purchase price to your favorite charitable organization. Choose Cumberland Elementary PTA or click here.
  • Sports Basement
    Sports Basement wants to remind Cumberland Elementary that you receive 10% off every item in-store or online, every day and 10% of profits go back to Cumberland Elementary. Just sign up for the Basementeer program! Program is free for our school families to sign up, and can be don in-store or online: Click Here
  • eScrip
    eScrip is a program where Cumberland can receive donations from stores you already shop — at no cost to you. Merchants reward customer loyalty by contributing a percentage of purchases to your chosen group such as Cumberland. Please see more details on how to enroll. Cumberland has earned $1,000+ from this easy program and helps support sports equipment purchases.
  • Box Tops For Education
    Box Top collections is a fun way to involve the students in saving money. Look for these marks on your cereal boxes and other items and cut them out. Deposit the cut out portion of the Box Top in the marked box in the office. The Student Council helps to trim and count the box tops before. Student Council helps to decide what to do with the resulting funds.
  • Office Depot
    Provide the following ID# 70015622 or ask for the Cumberland Elementary code number at checkout to earn 5% directly for the school (does not include electronics, furniture, or copy/print….just basic supplies).
  • Target Red Card
    Designate Cumberland as your school. Donations from Target will be:
    • 1% of your purchase at Target or
    • 0.5% of your purchase made anywhere else with the visa card 
  • GoodSearch
    Shop from leading merchants. There are hundreds of online and in-store coupons. Alert! Be sure to select our Cumberland Elementary School PTA of Sunnyvale because there is another school with similar name (not PTA) in KY.